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This time I'm certain it's no coincidence. There is something to it which I just cannot fathom. First in 2007, then in 2010 followed by 2012. And now in 2015.

It wasn't planned. I had been culturing stingless bees since July 2014 but they were not producing honey in their toppings where we could harvest them. It was only in February this year that we finally had enough to share with family and close friends from the inaugural harvest. And then extremely hot weather hit many places in the country and production was down again.

Finally, last week, we had collected enough honey to barely pack in four bottles. Yes, four...not exactly a production roll but it's a start, hehe! I had put a lot of thought into the labels that was going to grace my bottles of precious honey, and with input from the husband and my partners, we finally decided on a design. That was two days ago and I thought, okay, so what would be the best date in the nearest future to launch this?

I nearly flipped. My heart skipped a beat. I could feel the adrenaline was scary too. I hadn't decided on the date earlier, couldn't. Plan I did, but that's as far as you can go. With bees...they call the shots. They decide when.

So here it is...the grand launching of the product from my wonderful, beloved meliponines...

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on the 1st of April, 2015!!!

If the first three incidences (which I had written about in my earlier posts) on the first day of April are anything to go by, then I really hope that Bilut Valley Bee Farm honey will sustain and become a name to reckon with some day. The farm now has about sixty hives of which only half are ready for honey production. A good number to culture for commercial production would be a hundred, but there is already a waiting list of customers wanting to taste this very delectable honey which is less sweeter than most. It's tangy with a tinge of fruitiness, and will vary according to the nectar the bees forage on. But what's more important, meliponine honey is scientifically proven to contain a very large amount of antioxidants and has very good anti-bacterial properties. (Update: As of 30 April 2015, by the grace of Allah SWT, we now have a hundred hives at the farm.)

This is indeed a dream that really has come true. I have a few people that I am so grateful to, for without their support, this would certainly not have happened. My sweet sister Datin Aimi and her husband who has generously allowed us the use of his land and facilities, and a dearest friend who wants to be known as only Gee, I am forever indebted to the both of you. My children Aiman, Marzia and stepson Ayen and of course, my husband who believed in me and supported me all the way.

I must also mention people who have contributed by making doa' for me, Kak Yan and Ustaz Prof. Shahrin, and my eldest sister Prof. Azni and aunt Datin Prof. Rahimah who gave strong support and encouragement to start this project.

Praises to Allah, Who has shown that He listens, He provides and He guides. This is a mission accomplished. This is a promise fulfilled.


The desire and dream of having a bee farm - and a very nice one at that - with the hives being active and producing... a lot to be grateful for. This operation may still be small but it's a huge achievement to have come this far considering the situation and circumstances previously. Working knowledge, skill and expertise, land, capital, supply, network etc. - these were almost totally non-existent.

But I'm not really surprised actually. Even from very early on, I had taken it as a given that you'd have this. And more. Especially after I realised that with you, the things that you want to do are always "with others in mind; for others to benefit too". It's NEVER "How much could I get from this?".

I feel there's no way that you could be "unsuccessful", "fail". Not with these kinds of intentions, regardless of how things work out. Just do what we KNOW are right and place our trust in Allah. With this bee farm project, you could see it happening, of things coming into place way better and smoother than what we could possibly have planned and worked out ourselves before this.

And now it's on to the next stage...

01 April, 2015 15:45  

I marvel at your insight into everything. Most of the time you know exactly how I feel and what I'm thinking without me having to say anything. I'm ever so grateful that Allah has granted me a soul mate that takes great concern, gives attention, agrees and supports me in whatever I do.

02 April, 2015 08:41  

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