by Norhafizah Manaf (a dear friend of mine)
on Thursday, June 9, 2011 at 2:29am
on Thursday, June 9, 2011 at 2:29am
Nope! I'm not still wearing it hee. But this time what I want to share is that maybe when we feel good, we invite goodness all around (Law of Attraction perhaps?).
Again yesterday when I was in my spiffy new green baju kurung bought at the Jakel sales, waiting optimistically the three hour wait, and before the friendly elderly Chinese gentleman chatted with me at the Klang Hospital Orthopaedic dept, I was concentrating marking the 5 Gigih objective papers. I noticed from the corner of my eye, a lanky young Indian man came to sit beside me. With not so much as a glance I continued marking my papers. All too soon, I needed to rest my strained eyes and neck and put away the papers and just take a brief break. I lifted my head and there was this young Indian man beside me sitting quietly. Now with my new green dress and feeling all positive and good inside, I looked at him, and decided to make small talk with him. He looked well, so I pleasantly asked if he was visiting the doctor or just accompanying someone with an appointment. I was surprised by his fluency in the Malay language.
It turned out that in 2002 he had had an accident and then had a metal inserted into his thigh to repair his leg injury. It was supposed to stay there for several years, but what had happened was the area where the metal was got infected and so, after 9 years (?) it had to be removed, the pus cleansed and the infection treated. Amidst his explanation, one sentence really caught my attention.
"Saya tak tau bila duduk antara dua sujud tu, skru di lutut saya ni boleh jadi longgar dan cucuk ke muscle saya". I thought I had heard wrongly. So I asked, "duduk antara dua sujud, you ni Muslim ke?"
And then he gave a very gentle smile, and said almost shyly..."ya".
Straight away my active mind went into much I wanted to know. I was in my very very curious mode and out came the barrage of questions.
It turned out some time after his accident, he had a dream. And it was in the month of Ramadhan. He dreamt that he was asked to cross a gorge filled with blazing fire rising menacingly up the brim of the gorge. Trying desperately to find a way to cross the fiery gorge, he saw on the other end a man in all white willing him to say some words. And lo and behold in his dream he uttered the kalimah, "La ilaha i'lallah".
There is no God but Allah |
He woke up, told his wife and that very evening together with his wife and young child went to a mosque to convert. Subhanallah...Allahu Akbar. As simple as that! I was speechless for a moment, and then I told him that when Allah decides to give hidayah, none can withhold.
Al-h Haqq The Truth Say: "Who is it that provides you with sustenance out of heaven and earth, or who is it that has full power over your hearing and sight? And who is it that brings forth the living out of that which is dead, and brings forth the dead out of that which is alive? And who is it that governs all that exists?" And they will surely answer, "It is God." Say, then: "Will you not, then, become fully conscious of Him -- seeing that He is God, your Sustainer, the Ultimate Truth? For, after the truth has been forsaken, what is there left but error? How, then can you lose sight of the truth?" Yunus 10:31-32 |
The beauty of it all to me was that, the moment I found out he was a Muslim, he was no longer just any other Indian young man, he was a brother in faith...i didnt see an Indian man anymore, I saw a Muslim brother. We continued talking and I was in awe at the workings of Allah...we ended up by my asking his phone number simply because I suddenly felt obliged to keep in touch with his and his family's progress. Because since his accident, he lost the ability to drive/ride a motorbike and lost his job. He had also dedicated 4 years of his life after that to deepen his understanding of Islam in Kelantan together with his wife and children. God was his Provider during those times. From his conversion into Islam he was very happy to have been able to khatam the Quran twice, which is more than can be said for so many other born muslims today.
I pray for him; nay let us all pray for him and his family and for all the muslims around the world, ourselves included, to be forever in Allah's watchful eyes and to be always hopeful for His Hidayah. my overactive brain can go to bed...nite all!
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